Cochrane features en

Ketamine and other NMDA receptor antagonists for chronic pain

1 year 5 months ago
Ketamine and other NMDA receptor antagonists for chronic pain This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To evaluate the benefits and harms of ketamine and other NDMA receptor antagonists compared to placebo, usual care, or other medicines for adults with chronic non-cancer pain. This is a protocol....

Risk factors for the development and progression of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (a diabetes complication affecting eyes)

1 year 5 months ago
Risk factors for the development and progression of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (a diabetes complication affecting eyes) Review question We wanted to find out which factors may increase or reduce the chance that people with diabetes develop proliferative diabetic retinopathy and high-risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy, both sight-threatening complications of diabetes. Background In diabetes, over time, raised blood sugar levels damage fine blood vessels in the retina, the layer at the back of the eye that gives people sight. This is called ‘diabetic retinopathy’. In some people...

Methods for informing people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease of their diagnosis

1 year 5 months ago
Methods for informing people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease of their diagnosis Review question We planned to assess the evidence about communicating the diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neuron disease (MND). Background ALS, which is also known as MND, is an illness affecting the nerves that control movement. It causes increasing disability, including limb weakness, difficulty with breathing, and speech and swallowing problems. Most importantly, people with ALS/MND have to cope with the fact that ALS/MND usually leads to death within three to...

Catheter insertion techniques for improving catheter function and clinical outcomes in peritoneal dialysis patients

1 year 5 months ago
Catheter insertion techniques for improving catheter function and clinical outcomes in peritoneal dialysis patients What is the issue? Peritoneal dialysis (PD) relies on the insertion of a flexible plastic catheter, which is passed into the peritoneal cavity (space around the abdominal organs) to provide dialysis treatment. This tube must be able to allow the circulation of sterile fluid in and out of the peritoneal cavity several times each day (or overnight) to provide optimum clearance of waste products and water. The technique used to initially place the PD catheter into the peritoneal...

Does tranexamic acid (a medicine used to improve blood clotting) reduce bleeding during endoscopic surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis?

1 year 5 months ago
Does tranexamic acid (a medicine used to improve blood clotting) reduce bleeding during endoscopic surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis? What is chronic rhinosinusitis? Chronic rhinosinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses that has lasted for at least 12 weeks. People with chronic rhinosinusitis can experience symptoms such as a blocked or runny nose, a feeling of facial pain or pressure, or a reduction or loss of the sense of smell. Some people may also have polyps in their nose, which can worsen the symptoms. How is chronic rhinosinusitis treated? Chronic rhinosinusitis is usually treated...

Are there any drugs which help reduce bleeding after surgery on blood vessels?

1 year 5 months ago
Are there any drugs which help reduce bleeding after surgery on blood vessels? • Key messages We do not yet know what the best drugs are to reduce bleeding and blood transfusions during vascular surgery. • What is vascular surgery? Vascular surgery is when a surgeon operates on blood vessels, to repair leaks and areas of weakness, or to clear blockages. This review focused on the types of vascular surgery that are more likely to lead to severe bleeding. • Why is it important to reduce blood transfusions during vascular surgery? If people bleed a lot during or after this type of surgery they...

Probiotics for the management of functional abdominal pain disorders in children

1 year 5 months ago
Probiotics for the management of functional abdominal pain disorders in children Probiotics for stomach pain in children Key messages Probiotics may be better than placebo (dummy treatment) at improving stomach pain for children with functional abdominal pain. Synbiotics may be better than placebo (dummy treatment) at improving stomach pain for children with functional abdominal pain. What is functional abdominal pain? Functional abdominal pain is a common problem in children. The term functional abdominal pain is used when no cause can be found for the symptoms. These symptoms include...

Aripiprazole versus brexpiprazole for people with schizophrenia

1 year 5 months ago
Aripiprazole versus brexpiprazole for people with schizophrenia This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To assess the efficacy and tolerability of aripiprazole compared to brexpiprazole in people diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like psychosis. This is a protocol....

Interventions to slow the progression of short-sightedness in children

1 year 5 months ago
Interventions to slow the progression of short-sightedness in children Key messages • Medications such as atropine, given as eye drops, can slow the progression of short- or near-sightedness (myopia) in children, and also reduce elongation of the eyeball due to myopia. Higher doses of atropine are most effective. We are uncertain about the effects of lower doses of atropine. • Several treatments, including special types of lenses in eye glasses as well as contact lenses, may slow the progression of short-sightedness, but their effect is still uncertain and there is insufficient information...

Stem cell-based interventions for the treatment of stroke in newborn infants

1 year 5 months ago
Stem cell-based interventions for the treatment of stroke in newborn infants This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To evaluate the benefits and harms of stem cell-based interventions for the treatment of stroke in newborn infants compared to control (placebo or no treatment) or stem-cell based interventions of a different type or source. This is a protocol....

Routine decompression by nasogastric tube after oesophagectomy for oesophageal cancer

1 year 5 months ago
Routine decompression by nasogastric tube after oesophagectomy for oesophageal cancer This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To evaluate the effects of routine nasogastric decompression as compared to no nasogastric decompression after oesophagectomy. In the case of routine decompression, we will also aim to assess the effects of early versus late removal of the nasogastric tube. This is a protocol....

Factors that influence the provision of home- based rehabilitation services for people needing rehabilitation: a qualitative evidence synthesis 

1 year 5 months ago
Factors that influence the provision of home- based rehabilitation services for people needing rehabilitation: a qualitative evidence synthesis The aim of this Cochrane qualitative evidence synthesis was to explore factors that influence rehabilitation services that are delivered in people’s own homes. The synthesis looked at services that were delivered in person as well as services that were delivered through telerehabilitation. To answer this question, we analysed 53 qualitative studies. Key messages Home-based rehabilitation, delivered in-person or through telerehabilitation, can be...

Pharmacological interventions to treat adults with cancer-related fatigue

1 year 5 months ago
Pharmacological interventions to treat adults with cancer-related fatigue This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of pharmacological interventions aimed at treating cancer-related fatigue in adults, compared to a) no intervention, placebo, or b) each other. This is a protocol....

Antibiotics for children with a neurodisability and long-term lung infection

1 year 5 months ago
Antibiotics for children with a neurodisability and long-term lung infection 'Neurodisability' refers to a group of conditions that result primarily from a neurological problem (e.g. cerebral palsy), neuromuscular problem (e.g. a muscular dystrophy) or developmental problems (e.g. developmental impairment, Down syndrome). Children and young people with these conditions may have similar problems with mobility, feeding and coughing. Chest and breathing problems (including lung infections) are commonly experienced by children and young people with neurodisabilities and are often a cause for...

Do services to support the education of children and teenagers with chronic health conditions help to engage them more in school activities and improve learning outcomes?

1 year 5 months ago
Do services to support the education of children and teenagers with chronic health conditions help to engage them more in school activities and improve learning outcomes? Key Messages - We are still unclear of the effect of education support interventions on school engagement, learning outcomes and the likelihood of students to return to school (during periods of wellness). - There is some evidence that education support interventions may improve mental health slightly, as measured in two studies as self-esteem, but quality of life was not measured in the studies. - We need more good quality...

Can combined mechanical and oral antibiotic bowel preparation reduce the risk of complications after scheduled colon or rectal resections compared with purely mechanical, purely oral antibiotic or no bowel preparation?

1 year 5 months ago
Can combined mechanical and oral antibiotic bowel preparation reduce the risk of complications after scheduled colon or rectal resections compared with purely mechanical, purely oral antibiotic or no bowel preparation? Key messages - A combined mechanical (using laxatives) and oral antibiotic bowel preparation probably reduces the occurrence of infections of the surgical site (wound infections and infections in the abdominal cavity) as well as the likelihood of anastomotic leakage (leakage of the suture connection of the bowel) compared with mechanical bowel preparation alone. - Oral...

Clinical effectiveness of telepharmacy services in patients with non‐communicable diseases in ambulatory care settings

1 year 5 months ago
Clinical effectiveness of telepharmacy services in patients with non‐communicable diseases in ambulatory care settings This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To assess the clinical effectiveness of telepharmacy services on clinical outcomes and medication adherence in patients with non-communicable diseases in ambulatory care settings. This is a protocol....

Do digital technologies help people with cystic fibrosis stick to their inhaled treatments?

1 year 5 months ago
Do digital technologies help people with cystic fibrosis stick to their inhaled treatments? Key messages In the short term, technology may help people with cystic fibrosis (CF) adhere (or 'stick to') their inhaled treatments, but have little or no effect on lung function or pulmonary exacerbations (flare-ups of disease). In the medium term, combining digital monitoring with tailored support via an online platform probably encourages people to adhere to inhaled treatment and reduces treatment burden (demands on people with CF made by their healthcare needs and the impact this has on their...
21 hours 56 minutes ago
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