2 days 20 hours ago
Do programmes offered through sporting organisations promote healthy behaviour and improve people's health? Key messages • Sporting organisation programmes probably lead to people being slightly more physically active. • Sporting organisation programmes may make little or no difference to the amount of time people are inactive (sedentary). They may increase the amount of fruits and vegetables people eat. • We do not know if sporting organisation programmes make any difference to how many sugary drinks and alcoholic drinks people have, or their tobacco use, as the evidence is very...
5 days 20 hours ago
Is keeping the azygos vein intact during surgery for newborns with esophageal atresia beneficial? Key messages - Current evidence suggests that preserving the azygos vein during surgical repair for esophageal atresia may result in a reduction in the risk of death, serious complications, leakage from the esophageal repair site (anastomosis leakage), and severe infections or chest infections, when using the open chest surgery (thoracotomy) approach. - Further research is still needed as the results of this review may not be applicable to all newborns with congenital esophageal atresia. What is...
1 week ago
Was sind die besten Methoden, um mit dem Dampfen nikotinhaltiger E-Zigaretten aufzuhören, und welche potenziellen unerwünschten Wirkungen sind damit verbunden? Kernaussagen Auf Textnachrichten basierende Interventionen helfen im Vergleich zu keiner oder minimaler Unterstützung jungen Menschen möglicherweise, mit dem Dampfen aufzuhören. Ebenso hilft möglicherweise Vareniclin im Vergleich zu keiner oder minimaler Unterstützung, mit dem Dampfen aufzuhören. Es wird jedoch mehr Evidenz benötigt. Wir benötigen weitere Informationen darüber, ob andere Maßnahmen Menschen dabei unterstützen können,...
1 week ago
Early versus delayed anticoagulation treatment for people with non-valvular atrial fibrillation-related acute ischaemic stroke This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To assess the benefits and risks of early versus late initiation of oral anticoagulation (vitamin K antagonists or NOACs) in people with non-valvular atrial fibrillation-related ischaemic stroke. This is a protocol....
1 week ago
What are the best ways to help people to stop vaping nicotine and do they have any unwanted effects? Key messages Text message-based interventions compared to no or minimal support may help young people stop vaping, and varenicline compared to no or minimal support may help people stop vaping; however, more evidence is needed. We need more information on whether other interventions can help people to stop vaping. We need more information on potential harms of interventions and whether they affect the number of people smoking tobacco. What are nicotine-containing vapes? Vapes (also known as...
1 week ago
What are the benefits and risks of different immunotherapy drugs for treating glioblastoma (a cancerous brain tumour)? Key messages • A form of immunotherapy known as immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), which uses the body's immune system to fight disease, has shown encouraging results in the treatment of some cancers. • Seven studies looked at the ICI anti-programmed cell death 1 (anti-PD-1) for the treatment of adults with glioblastoma. Six of them showed no benefit. One small trial showed an improvement in overall survival and progression-free survival, but the evidence is very...
1 week ago
Psychological interventions for depression in people with diabetes mellitus This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To determine the effects of psychological interventions for depression in people with diabetes mellitus. This is a protocol....
1 week 1 day ago
Sind Interventionen in der virtuellen Realität bei der Rehabilitation von Menschen mit Multipler Sklerose wirksamer als eine Alternative oder keine Intervention? Kernaussagen - Virtuelle Realität verbessert möglicherweise das Gleichgewicht und die Haltungskontrolle, die Funktion der oberen Gliedmaßen, die Teilhabe und die Lebensqualität. Die Qualität der Evidenz ist aber insgesamt begrenzt. - Diese Ergebnisse beruhen auf wenigen Studien von geringer Qualität und sind deshalb mit Vorsicht zu interpretieren. Was ist Multiple Sklerose? Multiple Sklerose ist die häufigste neurologische...
1 week 1 day ago
Is a procedure to induce tolerance for aspirin an effective treatment for adults with a hypersensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)? Key messages • Due to a lack of robust evidence, the benefits and harms of aspirin after desensitisation (ATAD) (a procedure to induce tolerance to aspirin by exposing an individual to the drug gradually) as a treatment option for people with a hypersensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) remain unclear. • Treatment with ATAD may lead to a better quality of life, although the evidence comes from small studies. •...
1 week 1 day ago
Yoga as an adjunctive therapy for rheumatoid arthritis This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To assess the effect and safety of yoga as an adjunctive therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. This is a protocol....
1 week 1 day ago
Are virtual reality interventions more effective than an alternative or no intervention for the rehabilitation of people with multiple sclerosis? Key messages - Virtual reality might improve balance and postural control, upper limb function, and participation and quality of life, but the overall quality of the evidence is limited. - Since these results are based on few studies of lower quality, they should be interpreted with caution. What is multiple sclerosis? Multiple sclerosis is the most common neurological disease in young adults. People with multiple sclerosis can have a variety of...
3 weeks 5 days ago
Quels sont les bénéfices et les risques de l'utilisation de la récupération du sang pendant la naissance ? Principaux messages L'utilisation de la récupération du sang (autotransfusion) pourrait réduire le besoin de transfusions sanguines supplémentaires, réduire la perte de sang et augmenter l'hémoglobine post-partum le premier jour chez les femmes qui ont un accouchement par césarienne. La récupération du sang pourrait ne faire que peu ou pas de différence sur le risque de sepsis (réponse à une infection qui endommage les organes vitaux et souvent entraîne la mort) et probablement peu...
3 weeks 5 days ago
Sind Maßnahmen in Schulen, Hochschulen und Universitäten zur Vorbeugung von Selbstverletzungen und Selbstmord bei jungen Menschen bis 25 Jahren wirksam? Kernaussagen - Wir fanden 51 Studien zur Beantwortung unserer Frage, sind uns aber nach wie vor unsicher über die Auswirkungen von Interventionen in Bildungseinrichtungen zur Verringerung von Selbstverletzungen. - Es gibt einige ermutigende Ergebnisse, jedoch werden große Studien benötigt, um diese zu bestätigen. Es bedarf auch Studien, die die Kombination verschiedener Interventionsansätze untersuchen. Diese Ansätze sollten in enger...
3 weeks 5 days ago
Welches Beckenbodentraining eignet sich am besten zur Behandlung von ungewolltem Urinverlust (Harninkontinenz) bei Frauen? Kernaussagen - Es gibt verschiedene Ansätze für das Training der Beckenbodenmuskulatur, die Blase, Darm und Gebärmutter stützt, bei Frauen mit ungewolltem Urinverlust. Einige Methoden erweisen sich als wirksamer als andere, während einige möglicherweise ähnlich effektiv sind. - Bei vielen Ansätzen waren wir uns unsicher, weil es oft nur eine Studie oder mehrere kleine Studien gab, die die Frage untersuchten. - Mehr Studien sind erforderlich, um verschiedene Ansätze des...
3 weeks 5 days ago
Activation des ovocytes chez les femmes après injection intracytoplasmique de spermatozoïdes (ICSI) La réalisation d'une étape supplémentaire d'activation artificielle des ovocytes améliore-t-elle le succès du traitement par injection intracytoplasmique de spermatozoïdes (ICSI) chez les femmes bénéficiant d'une procréation assistée ? Principaux messages Nous sommes incertains quant à l'effet de l'activation artificielle des ovocytes sur le taux de naissances vivantes et le taux de fausses couches chez les femmes présentant une combinaison de raisons pour suivre un traitement par ICSI...
3 weeks 5 days ago
Injury prevention programmes (IPPs) for preventing anterior cruciate ligament injuries This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To determine the benefits and harms of injury prevention programmes on anterior cruciate ligament injuries. This is a protocol....
3 weeks 5 days ago
Oocyte activation for women following intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) Does performing an additional step of artificial oocyte activation improve the success of intracytoplasmic sperm injection treatment (ICSI) in women undergoing assisted reproduction? Key messages We are uncertain about the effect of artificial oocyte activation on the live birth rate and miscarriage rate amongst women with a mix of reasons for undergoing ICSI treatment. In couples undergoing ICSI treatment who have a history of low or no fertilization, performing artificial oocyte activation may help improve the...
3 weeks 5 days ago
Air versus supplemental oxygen for resuscitation of term or late preterm infants at birth This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: Primary objective To assess the benefits and harms of air compared with supplemental oxygen for resuscitation of term or late preterm infants at birth in reducing rates of mortality and long-term neurodevelopmental impairment (NDI). Secondary objectives To assess whether the benefits and harms of air compared with supplemental oxygen differ according to different oxygen concentrations, gestational age (GA), whether...
3 weeks 5 days ago
Are actions taken in schools, colleges and universities to prevent self-harm and suicide in young people up to the age of 25 effective? Key messages • We found 51 studies to answer our question, but we remain uncertain about the impact of interventions in education settings to reduce self-harm. • There are some encouraging findings, but we need large studies to confirm them, and studies that examine the combination of different intervention approaches that are co-designed with young people, can be delivered in a safe environment and implemented over a long period of time. How are self-harm...
3 weeks 5 days ago
What are the benefits and risks of using cell salvage during birth? Key messages Use of cell salvage may reduce the need for additional blood transfusions, may reduce blood loss, and may increase postpartum haemoglobin on day one in women who have a caesarean birth. Cell salvage possibly makes little to no difference to the risk of sepsis and probably makes little to no difference to the risk of haemorrhage. We are not confident in the evidence regarding the effect of cell salvage on the risk of transfusion-related adverse (unwanted or harmful) reactions, length of operation, and length of...