1 year 3 months ago
How can we communicate better with people and communities about measures which help to prevent and control COVID-19? Key messages - During a pandemic, governments and other authorities need to clearly communicate with the public about how people can keep themselves safe. This communication needs to be based on trust and well-planned. People and communities affected by the pandemic need to be involved in planning and delivering the communication. The communication should reach all people across the community, including those who have trouble reading and writing, people who speak languages...
1 year 3 months ago
Pain relief and side effects of a new regional anaesthetic technique (ESPB) Key messages Erector spinae plane block (ESPB) probably does not improve postoperative pain intensity 24 hours after surgery, but it may be performed without serious adverse events and may decrease requirements for oral pain relief as well as side effects associated with oral pain relief. What is regional anaesthesia? Acute postoperative pain is commonly treated with a combination of medications like opioids and regional anaesthesia. Regional anaesthesia is a way of specifically numbing nerves that carry pain signals...
1 year 3 months ago
Bladder training for treating overactive bladder in adults What did we want to find out? We wanted to compare the effectiveness of bladder training to other treatments for adults with overactive bladder (OAB). Background OAB is a common chronic condition involving daytime frequent urination, urination during sleep, and sudden urge to urinate with or without urinary incontinence (unintentional passing of urine). The disorder reduces quality of life and results in a significant economic burden on society. Bladder training is a behavioral therapy that establishes treatment goals and uses...
1 year 3 months ago
Superoxide dismutase in preterm newborns at risk of lung disease Key messages • We did not find enough good‐quality evidence about the use of superoxide dismutase in newborns born too early: only three studies for the prevention of lung disease. • The evidence is very uncertain about the effect of superoxide dismutase on bronchopulmonary dysplasia, also known as chronic lung disease, death, retinopathy of prematurity (eye damage which might cause blindness) compared to a placebo or no treatment. • No studies reported bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death at 36 weeks' postmenstrual age, need...
1 year 3 months ago
Immunotherapy versus chemotherapy for treating inoperable or metastatic bladder cancer Review question How does immunotherapy (a newer medicine that works through the body's immune system) compare to chemotherapy (a medicine that kills cancer cells) in people with cancer of the bladder or upper urinary system that has spread throughout the body or a surgical procedure is not feasible due to an advanced stage. Background Until a few years ago, the treatment of bladder cancer that has spread to other organs outside the urinary tract (metastatic bladder cancer) consisted of one of only a few...
1 year 3 months ago
Undernutrition as a risk factor for tuberculosis disease This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (prognosis). The objectives are as follows: To determine the prognostic value of undernutrition in the general population of adults and children for predicting tuberculosis disease. Population Adults and children from the general population Index prognostic factors Undernutrition (wasting, stunting, underweight) Outcomes Incidence of tuberculosis (adjusted risk) Timing Short- and long-term follow-up Setting General population/outpatients Study design Cohort studies This is a protocol....
1 year 3 months ago
Diabetes as a risk factor for tuberculosis disease This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (prognosis). The objectives are as follows: To determine the prognostic value of diabetes in the general population of adults and children for predicting tuberculosis disease. Population Adults and children from the general population Index prognostic factors Diabetes (type 1 and 2) Outcomes Incidence of tuberculosis (adjusted risk) Timing Short- and long-term follow-up Setting General population/outpatients Study design Cohort studies This is a protocol....
1 year 3 months ago
Dans quelle mesure le soutien et les interventions psychologiques après une exposition à la violence et aux abus sexuels contribuent-ils au rétablissement et à la guérison ? Principaux messages - Nous avons trouvé des données probantes indiquant que les interventions psychologiques ou sociales (collectivement appelées « psychosociales ») pourraient réduire les symptômes du syndrome de stress post-traumatique (SSPT) et de la dépression chez les survivants de viols, d'agressions sexuelles et d'abus subis à l'âge adulte. - Notre revue suggère que les interventions n'ont pas aggravé les...
1 year 3 months ago
Wie hilfreich sind Unterstützung und psychologische Interventionen nach sexueller Gewalt und Missbrauch für die Genesung und Heilung? Kernaussagen - Wir fanden Evidenz dafür, dass psychologische oder soziale (zusammenfassend als "psychosoziale" bezeichnete) Interventionen möglicherweise die Symptome einer posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (PTBS) und Depression bei Opfern von Vergewaltigungen, sexuellen Übergriffen und Missbrauch im Erwachsenenalter verringern. - Unser Review deutet darauf hin, dass die Interventionen die Symptome nicht verschlimmern oder zu unerwünschten Wirkungen führen....
1 year 3 months ago
Expériences et perceptions des enfants souffrant de douleurs chroniques non cancéreuses et de leur famille concernant leur état, les services et les traitements de la douleur : une méta-ethnographie Quel est l’objectif de cette synthèse ? L'objectif de cette synthèse de données probantes qualitatives Cochrane était de savoir comment les enfants et les jeunes qui souffrent de douleur chronique et leurs familles : 1) perçoivent la douleur chronique ; 2) vivent avec la douleur chronique ; 3) réfléchissent à la manière dont les services de santé et de soins sociaux ont traité leur douleur ; et...
1 year 3 months ago
Children with chronic non-cancer pain and their families’ experiences and understanding of their condition, pain services and treatments: a meta-ethnography What is the aim of this synthesis? The aim of this Cochrane qualitative evidence synthesis was to find out how children and young people who have chronic pain and their families: 1) think about chronic pain; 2) live with chronic pain; 3) think of how health and social care services treated their pain; and 4) what they want from services and treatments. To answer these questions, we searched for, analysed and brought together the findings...
1 year 3 months ago
How helpful to recovery and healing are support and psychological interventions after exposure to sexual violence and abuse? Key messages • We found evidence that psychological or social (collectively known as ‘psychosocial’) interventions may reduce symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression in survivors of rape, sexual assault and abuse experienced during adulthood. • Our review suggests that interventions did not worsen symptoms or lead to unwanted effects. However, as large numbers of participants dropped out of treatments or did not complete studies’ assessments,...
1 year 3 months ago
Heliox for prevention of morbidity and mortality in ventilated newborn infants This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To determine the effect of heliox on the rates of mortality, neurodevelopmental outcome, and chronic lung disease in invasively ventilated infants. This is a protocol....
1 year 3 months ago
Prescription tardive d'antibiotiques pour les infections respiratoires Problématique de la revue Le fait de retarder la prescription d'un antibiotique par rapport à une prescription immédiate ou à l' absence d’antibiotiques diminue-t-il le nombre d'antibiotiques pris par les personnes souffrant d'infections des voies respiratoires, notamment de maux de gorge, d'infections de l'oreille moyenne, de toux (bronchite) et de rhume ? Contexte L'utilisation d'un trop grand nombre d'antibiotiques augmente le risque d'effets indésirables et entraîne une hausse des coûts de santé et une...
1 year 3 months ago
Quel médicament stimulant courant convient le mieux aux prématurés dont la respiration s'interrompt pendant le sommeil (apnée) ? Principaux messages - La caféine et d'autres substances similaires appartiennent à un groupe de stimulants appelés méthylxanthines. Elles sont souvent utilisées pour prévenir et traiter l'apnée - lorsque la respiration s'arrête et reprend de façon répétée - chez les nouveau-nés. - La caféine pourrait entraîner peu ou pas de différence dans la fréquence des décès chez les bébés nés trop tôt par rapport à d'autres méthylxanthines. - D'autres études sont...
1 year 3 months ago
Verzögerte Verschreibung von Antibiotika bei Atemwegsinfektionen Fragestellung des Reviews Verringert das Hinauszögern der Verschreibung von Antibiotika im Vergleich zur sofortigen Verschreibung oder zum Verzicht auf Antibiotika die Zahl der Antibiotika, die bei Atemwegsinfektionen wie Halsschmerzen, Mittelohrentzündung, Husten (Bronchitis) und Erkältung eingenommen werden? Hintergrund Der übermäßige Einsatz von Antibiotika erhöht das Risiko von Nebenwirkungen, führt zu höheren Gesundheitskosten und fördert die Bildung von Resistenzen gegen Antibiotika. Eine Strategie, um unnötigen...
1 year 3 months ago
Which common stimulant medicine is best for premature babies whose breathing pauses during sleep (apnea)? Key messages • Caffeine and other similar substances belong to a group of stimulants called methylxanthines. They are often used to prevent and treat apnea – when breathing repeatedly stops and starts – in newborn babies. • Caffeine may result in little to no difference in the frequency of death in babies born too early compared to other methylxanthines. • More studies are needed, especially in babies born extremely early, since these babies tend to be the most poorly. What is apnea of...
1 year 3 months ago
Traitements psychologiques de la dépression chez les adolescents et les adultes nés avec des problèmes cardiaques Principaux messages - Les interventions psychologiques (thérapie par la parole/conseil) pourraient réduire les symptômes de la dépression chez les adultes atteints de cardiopathie congénitale. - D'autres études sont nécessaires pour définir le meilleur traitement psychologique pour cette population, comme la durée, la fréquence et le type d'intervention. Qu'est-ce qu'une cardiopathie congénitale ? Les cardiopathies congénitales sont un terme générique utilisé pour définir une...
1 year 3 months ago
L'assistance respiratoire par le nez est-elle efficace chez les bébés qui ont besoin d'aide pour respirer à la naissance ? Principaux messages 1. Chez les nouveau-nés qui ont besoin d'aide pour respirer juste après la naissance, dans la salle d'accouchement, certaines études ont suggéré qu'une assistance respiratoire par le nez (interface nasale) est plus efficace qu'un masque facial (qui couvre le nez et la bouche) ou un masque respiratoire laryngé (ML ; un tube respiratoire, inséré par la bouche). 2. Le fait d'administrer aux bébés une assistance respiratoire par le nez plutôt...
1 year 3 months ago
Is giving breathing support through the nose effective in babies that need help breathing at birth? Key message 1. In newborn babies who need help to breathe right after birth, in the delivery room, some studies have suggested that giving breathing support through the nose (nasal interface) is more effective than through a face mask (covers the nose and mouth) or laryngeal mask airway (LMA; a breathing tube, inserted through the mouth). 2. Giving babies breathing support through the nose compared with a face mask in the delivery room, may have little to no effect on the number of babies who...