
Entecavir for children and adults with chronic hepatitis B

1 year 10 months ago
Entecavir for children and adults with chronic hepatitis B This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To evaluate the benefits and harms of entecavir versus no treatment or placebo for chronic hepatitis B infection in children and adults with chronic hepatitis B infection, who are either HBeAg-positive or HBeAg-negative. This is a protocol....

Overall prognosis of acute and chronic musculoskeletal, widespread, and neuropathic pain in children and adolescents

1 year 10 months ago
Overall prognosis of acute and chronic musculoskeletal, widespread, and neuropathic pain in children and adolescents This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (prognosis). The objectives are as follows: We aim to describe the overall prognosis (focusing on the pain course) and the negative impact(s) of acute and chronic musculoskeletal, widespread, and neuropathic pain in children (aged six to 12 years) and adolescents (aged 13 to 18 years) by evaluating: incidence of pain recovery at three and 12 months after reporting acute or chronic pain; change in pain severity at three and 12 months...

Medicines for central sleep apnoea in adults

1 year 10 months ago
Medicines for central sleep apnoea in adults Key messages Studies in this area are small and we were unable to conclude whether any of the medicines studied helped people with central sleep apnoea (CSA) compared with dummy treatment. What is central sleep apnoea and how is it treated? CSA is a disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep because the brain does not send proper signals to the muscles that control breathing. CSA mainly affects men and people with heart disease. The condition is different from and less common than obstructive sleep apnoea, where breathing...

Plastic stents versus fully covered self-expandable metallic stents for biliary tract strictures in adults with non-cancerous bile duct lesions

1 year 10 months ago
Plastic stents versus fully covered self-expandable metallic stents for biliary tract strictures in adults with non-cancerous bile duct lesions This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To evaluate the benefits and harms of fully covered self-expandable metallic stents for the treatment of biliary tract strictures in adults with non-cancerous bile duct lesions comparted to plastic stents. This is a protocol....

Progestin intrauterine devices versus copper intrauterine devices for emergency contraception

1 year 10 months ago
Progestin intrauterine devices versus copper intrauterine devices for emergency contraception Why is this review important? This review is important as there are few available choices for emergency contraception (EC). Copper intrauterine devices (Cu‐IUDs) are the most effective method for EC currently available, but their use and uptake is low. We examined the literature to see if the levonorgestrel IUD (LNG‐IUD) was as effective as other methods for EC. If it were found to be as effective, it would increase the range of options available to women seeking EC. How did we identify and evaluate...

What are the benefits and risks of different lifestyle and dietary changes for Ménière's disease?

1 year 10 months ago
What are the benefits and risks of different lifestyle and dietary changes for Ménière's disease? Key messages Due to a lack of robust evidence, it is not clear whether any lifestyle or dietary changes used to treat Ménière's disease work to improve people's symptoms, despite their routine use in clinical practice. We also do not know if there are any risks associated with these interventions. Larger, well-conducted studies are needed in order to identify whether any lifestyle or dietary changes may be effective, and assess whether they have any harmful effects. Further work also needs...

What are the benefits and risks of gentamicin given directly to the ear in Ménière's disease?

1 year 10 months ago
What are the benefits and risks of gentamicin given directly to the ear in Ménière's disease? Key messages Due to a lack of robust evidence, it is not clear whether gentamicin - an antibiotic given into the ear (intratympanic gentamicin) works to improve symptoms for people with Ménière's disease. It is also not clear whether there are any risks associated with treatment. Larger, well-conducted studies are needed to identify whether this treatment may be effective, and to assess whether there are any harmful effects. Further work also needs to be done to find out how best to measure the...

Quels sont les bénéfices et les risques des différents types de chirurgie pour la maladie de Ménière ?

1 year 10 months ago
Quels sont les bénéfices et les risques des différents types de chirurgie pour la maladie de Ménière ? Principaux messages En raison du manque de données probantes solides, on ne sait pas si les types de chirurgie utilisés pour traiter la maladie de Ménière permettent d'améliorer les symptômes des patients. Il n'y avait pas d'information concernant le potentiel de risques graves de ces traitements. Des études de plus grande envergure et bien menées sont nécessaires pour déterminer si la chirurgie pourrait être efficace et évaluer si le traitement a des effets néfastes. Des travaux...

What are the benefits and risks of different types of surgery for Ménière's disease?

1 year 10 months ago
What are the benefits and risks of different types of surgery for Ménière's disease? Key messages Due to a lack of robust evidence, it is not clear whether any types of surgery used to treat Ménière's disease work to improve people's symptoms. There was no information regarding the potential for serious risks from these treatments. Larger, well-conducted studies are needed in order to identify whether surgery may be effective, and assess whether there are any harmful effects of treatment. Further work also needs to be done to find out how best to measure the symptoms of people with...

Simvastatin for lowering lipids

1 year 10 months ago
Simvastatin for lowering lipids This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To evaluate the benefits and harms of different doses of simvastatin on lipid parameters and withdrawals due to adverse effects (WDAEs) in people of any age compared to placebo. This is a protocol....

Immune checkpoint inhibitors for advanced pancreatic cancer

1 year 10 months ago
Immune checkpoint inhibitors for advanced pancreatic cancer This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To evaluate the benefits and harms of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), as monotherapy or in combination (with chemotherapy or targeted therapy), for people with advanced pancreatic cancer compared with chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or placebo. This is a protocol....

Kombinationsmittel gegen Erkältung: Mit Kanonen auf Spatzen schießen?

1 year 10 months ago

In Apotheken kann man rezeptfrei verschiedene, viel beworbene „Erkältungs- oder Grippemittel“ kaufen, die einen ganzen Cocktail von Wirkstoffen enthalten. Wir stellen Ihnen im dritten Teil unserer Mini-Serie zur Erkältung Cochrane-Evidenz für solche Kombinationsmittel gegen Erkältung vor und diskutieren, wie sinnvoll …

Kombinationsmittel gegen Erkältung: Mit Kanonen auf Spatzen schießen? ARTIKEL LESEN

Der Beitrag Kombinationsmittel gegen Erkältung: Mit Kanonen auf Spatzen schießen? erschien zuerst auf Wissen Was Wirkt.

Birgit Schindler

Quels sont les bénéfices et les risques de la thérapie par pression positive pour la maladie de Ménière ?

1 year 10 months ago
Quels sont les bénéfices et les risques de la thérapie par pression positive pour la maladie de Ménière ? Principaux messages En raison de l'absence de données probantes solides, on ne sait pas si la thérapie par pression positive est efficace pour améliorer les symptômes des personnes atteintes de la maladie de Ménière. Nous n'avons pas trouvé d'informations permettant de savoir si ce traitement pourrait être nocif. Des études plus vastes et bien menées sont nécessaires pour déterminer si la thérapie par pression positive pourrait être efficace et s'assurer que le traitement n'a pas...

Quels sont les bénéfices et les risques des différents médicaments pour la maladie de Ménière ?

1 year 10 months ago
Quels sont les bénéfices et les risques des différents médicaments pour la maladie de Ménière ? Principaux messages En raison de l'absence de données probantes solides, on ne sait pas si les médicaments oraux (comprimés) utilisés pour traiter la maladie de Ménière améliorent les symptômes des patients, malgré leur utilisation systématique dans la pratique clinique. Lorsqu'ils sont utilisés pour d'autres pathologies, ces médicaments pourraient provoquer des effets secondaires. Cependant, les études sur la maladie de Ménière ne contenaient pas suffisamment d'informations pour que nous...

What are the benefits and risks of different medications for Ménière's disease?

1 year 10 months ago
What are the benefits and risks of different medications for Ménière's disease? Key messages Due to a lack of robust evidence, it is not clear whether any oral medicines (tablets) used to treat Ménière's disease work to improve people's symptoms, despite their routine use in clinical practice. When used for other conditions, these medications may cause side effects. However, there was too little information from the studies in Ménière’s disease for us to know if there are serious risks from these treatments. Larger, well-conducted studies are needed in order to identify whether some...

What are the benefits and risks of positive pressure therapy for Ménière's disease?

1 year 10 months ago
What are the benefits and risks of positive pressure therapy for Ménière's disease? Key messages Due to a lack of robust evidence, it is not clear whether positive pressure therapy works to improve the symptoms of people with Ménière's disease. We did not find any information on whether this treatment may cause any harm. Larger, well-conducted studies are needed in order to identify whether positive pressure therapy may be effective, and make sure that there are no harmful effects of treatment. Further work also needs to be done to find out how best to measure the symptoms of people...

Ketamine and other NMDA receptor antagonists for chronic pain

1 year 10 months ago
Ketamine and other NMDA receptor antagonists for chronic pain This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To evaluate the benefits and harms of ketamine and other NDMA receptor antagonists compared to placebo, usual care, or other medicines for adults with chronic non-cancer pain. This is a protocol....

Techniques d'insertion des cathéters pour améliorer leur fonction et les critères de jugement cliniques chez les patients en dialyse péritonéale

1 year 10 months ago
Techniques d'insertion des cathéters pour améliorer leur fonction et les critères de jugement cliniques chez les patients en dialyse péritonéale Quelle est la question ? La dialyse péritonéale (DP) repose sur l'insertion d'un cathéter en plastique souple, qui est passé dans la cavité péritonéale (espace autour des organes abdominaux) pour assurer le traitement par dialyse. Ce tube doit pouvoir permettre la circulation de liquide stérile dans et hors de la cavité péritonéale plusieurs fois par jour (ou pendant la nuit) afin d'assurer une élimination optimale des déchets et de l'eau. La...

Facteurs de risque pour le développement et la progression de la rétinopathie diabétique proliférante (une complication du diabète affectant les yeux)

1 year 10 months ago
Facteurs de risque pour le développement et la progression de la rétinopathie diabétique proliférante (une complication du diabète affectant les yeux) Problématique de la revue Nous avons voulu savoir quels facteurs pourraient augmenter ou réduire le risque que les personnes diabétiques développent une rétinopathie diabétique proliférante et une rétinopathie diabétique proliférante à haut risque, deux complications du diabète qui menacent la vue. Contexte Dans le cas du diabète, l'augmentation de la glycémie dans le sang endommage au fil du temps les fins vaisseaux sanguins de la rétine, la...